Saturday, June 9, 2018

Finding My Way Back Home

Photo by Sašo Tušar on Unsplash

Can you believe it's been 4 years ago TODAY that this blog last got any attention? That's awful. I'm a horrible blog mommy. Well, let's fix that right now. It's time to bring some love back to this poor little blog.

I originally created this little spot to help me get back into the whole writing thing. It's taken me a very long time to find my voice, but it's slowly starting to come back. I've joined writing groups, but that just made me realize how old I was as most of the other members were basically kids.

I tried starting up a few other blogs in particular niche fields, but that's going slower than even I expected. Like going nowhere fast. I created a Tumblr account to give me a place to practice, but again, I feel like a little old lady hanging out at the playground after school.

I'm not sure what I'm going to start doing here, but I have to do something. I have found a creative outlet for my writing at I love that site. I've done more writing in the past month on that site than I have in the past, well, 4 years. It's been mindblowing. I feel like I'm getting my mojo back. 

This might just end up being a site where I can post my opinions, do some blog giveaway stuff, or that kind of thing. It's not going to make me a millionaire, but it might keep me moving in the "write" direction. I'm enjoying myself again and I can't let that go. Here's to my happy writing life. Cheers.

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